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Rue Jean Meunier 6,
6922 Wellin, Belgium
BE 0799.225.560
If you are a new customer, click on "register" at the top right. Then, fill in all the required fields (marked with an asterisk) and click "register" again.
If you are an existing customer or your account has already been created, click on "login" at the top right. Then, fill in the fields with your email address and password, and click "login" again.
If you have forgotten your password, it's simple: click on "Forgot password?". Then, fill in your email address and click "recover my password". An email will be sent to you to reset your password.
Click on "login," fill in the fields "email address" and "password," and click "login." Then, click on your email address on the left side of the page to access your account. From there, you can modify your data at any time. Just remember to save your changes by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page.
Follow the procedure described in "How do I change my personal data," and update the delivery and billing address.
Herman 1874 has been developed with the latest security and privacy techniques. You can browse our site without worries and make your online purchases and payments completely securely.
We also take all necessary precautions regarding the processing and confidentiality of your private data, to which you always retain the right of access and modification. Your account can be deleted at any time if you wish.
A "unsubscribe" link at the end of each of our newsletters is available for you to easily unsubscribe from our newsletters.